Sunday, 28 March 2010

Ewan McGregor for Best Act-ress!

Yes, you read it right. After watching this true-to-life gay love story, Ewan McGregor deserves the Best Actress award.

The scene where Phillip Morris (McGregor) learned that his lover Steven Russell (Jim Carrey) just died... really made me cry.

McGregor can actually slap like a fine lady! :-D

It is just amazing what a guy can do in the name of love. Ooops! Let me repeat that.
It is just amazing what a gay guy can do in the name of love. In the case of Russell, he tried to escape from prison (with his totally outrageous con man acts) just to be with his fellow prisoner and lover Morris.

All together (McGregor's acting + the plot), made me love 'I Love You Phillip Morris'.
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