We thought we'd try Alona Beach since we've been staying at the other side of the island (Dumaluan Beach / Bohol Beach Club). It looks good in this picture but I didn't like the view and ambience as much I did at the other side. For one, the place is too crowded and the beach is teeming with boats and sea grass.
Once again, I'm a victim of over-rated reviews... Come on! It's nothing compared to Boracay. For one, the shoreline is too short. There were only a few restaurants, hotels and resorts to choose from fronting the beach.

Despite the disappointment, I enjoyed walking by the shore while taking pictures of various sea creatures like starfish, sea shells, hermit crabs, baby lobster, creepy worm-like crawlers, and slimy jellyfish-like slugs etc.
The food at this side of the beach was too pricey. We tried Oops Bar and to our dismay, the service was really poor. It even took them more than an hour to prepare pancit and sandwich when we were the only customers during that afternoon. We had it cancelled and immediately left the crappy resto-bar which most people recommend in blogs. We tried Alona Seaside Grilled & Restaurant. You read it right, G-R-I-L-L-E-D. It was one of the cheapest restaurants offering home-cooked meals and grilled food by the beach. It wasn't that bad... I actually enjoyed the vegetable kebab the most.