Saturday, 11 September 2010

I'm sorry I broke your arm... err... claw

Dumaluan Beach Resort - Panglao, Bohol, Philippines
The idea of bringing home a wet swimsuit came in while having breakfast by the beach. I can't resist it... I need to take a dip and savour the white sand beach of Panglao 5 hours before my flight back to Manila.

So right after my sumptuous meal of day-old fried pork adobo, I changed into my swimsuit and headed off to the beach not minding the 10 o'clock harsh UV rays.

While resting, I saw this funny looking creature... walking sideways towards the shore. It was Mr. Krabs!

I immediately grabbed my camera and took pictures and a video of him. I moved away as I saw another guy trying to steal my moment with this little creature. Satisfied with his shots, he picked Mr. Krabs and hurled him back to the beach.

Minutes after, Mr. Krabs is back[!] terrifying the poor girl building a sand castle nearby. Also terrified but excited, I carefully picked him up and placed him on the lounge chair. Mr. Krabs was after all Mrs. Krabs.

female crabs have wider abdomen

She tried to escape and fell off the lounge chair as I tried to take more photos of her. I tried to pick her up again using my slipper but she grabbed the tip of which with her claw. I raised the slipper as she angrily wriggled... then ooops...

I tried pulling off her claw from my slipper while some of her bodily fluids trickle down my finger. Mmmm... she smells good...tasty...

And there goes the light bulb. I tried to grill her using my lighter and the claw jerked. It is still alive!
My friend suggested to sand-bake her. So we dug a hole, tore some pieces of my solved Sudoku pages and lit her up.

There she is, from purple to orange, perfectly cooked.

Though the claw was just as small as my pinkie, it's the freshest seafood I've ever had... no seasoning... just the right and natural taste of beach salt.

I'm not that cruel but I must admit, she was way too tasty... I tried finding her and I did find her under the table... but I had to pack. :-( 'Til next time...


*Migrated blog post
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