Wednesday, 11 August 2010

In The Menu: Pork Pochero

Pork pochero is one of my favorite dishes when I was little but my mom used to cook this dish with beef and tomato sauce. This time, I'm going to do a remake of her recipe using pork & beans and pork leg (pata).

Pochero is a classic Filipino stew in red thin/thick sauce which is derived from a Spanish cocido. Most people use beef, pork or chicken with tomato sauce while adding in an assortment of vegetables. Others use chorizo, sweet potato, corn, or eggplant to spike the recipe.

  • pata (pre-boiled for 1 hour)
  • pork & beans (I prefer Hunt's Pork & Beans, as it isn't too sweet]
  • sliced saba banana
  • cubed potatoes
  • sliced carrots
  • Baguio beans
  • cabbage
  • bell pepper
  • minced garlic
  • minced and cubed onions
  • salt, pepper, & patis (fish sauce)

  1. In a pot, saute the garlic and onion with the pre-boiled pata.
  2. Add the pork & beans and 2-3 cups of water to bring it to a boil.
  3. Add the hard vegetables such as  saba & potatoes then boil.
  4. Once the sauce thickens start adding salt/patis and pepper to taste.
  5. Add the Baguio beans, carrots, bell pepper, and cubed onions.
  6. Serve the dish with the cabbage on top while it's hot. I prefer to do it this way as cabbage usually spoil most dishes when stored overnight.
*Migrated blog post
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